Media centre / Press releases / The voice of NAHV resonates …

The voice of NAHV resonates …

The North Adriatic Hydrogen Valley (NAHV) project, in which HSE is the lead partner, is gathering interest and prominence. Hydrogen is a topic of great attention in Europe and Slovenia, and new developments concerning this energy source have become practically a daily occurrence. The project actively includes the leading representatives of HSE.

From 15 to 16 November, EU Hydrogen Research Days, integrated in the Hydrogen Week, which has highlighted the role of hydrogen in the green energy transition, will take place in Brussels. The event is a collaboration between the European Commission, Hydrogen Europe and the Clean Hydrogen Partnership, which is also a financial supporter of the NAHV project. On Wednesday, Dr Jerneja Sedlar, Head of Development at HSE, addressed the gathering online and presented the North Adriatic Hydrogen Valley project. As the world works to achieve the goals of the Paris Agreement, she stressed, hydrogen technologies will play an increasingly important role, and so will the achievements of the NAHV project.

Executive Director Mag. Marko Bahor presented the North Adriatic Hydrogen Valley project on 15 November at a panel on hydrogen in Slovenia’s energy future, organised by the Association of Electric Power Engineers – CIGRED Slovenia. The audience was enthusiastic about the project and the ambitious plans for hydrogen over the next six years. They recognise that hydrogen, as a clean and versatile energy source, promises to reduce the carbon footprint of power generation, grid balancing and energy storage, while at the same time extending its impact to various stakeholders in industry and research.

On the same day, a cross-border forum was held in Gorizia, organised by the Slovenian Regional Economic Association and the Italian organisation Alto Adriatico. Dr Tomaž Štokelj, CEO of HSE, presented the HSE Group, its projects and vision. The business community spent most of the day discussing the energy transition. Particular attention was paid to hydrogen, and thus to the North Adriatic Hydrogen Valley project, in which Slovenia and Friuli Venezia Giulia, together with Croatia, are already working together.
