Holding Slovenske elektrarne d. o. o. is the controlling company in the HSE Group. It has headquarters in Ljubljana and business units in Maribor, Šoštanj, Trbovlje and Nova Gorica. The company’s operations are based on the sales and trade in electricity energy, CO2 emission coupons, certificates of origin and other renewable energy certificates, on the optimisation of the production of the HSE Group, provision of ancillary services needed for the functioning of the electricity system and on the management and implementation of energy projects.
Full name of the company: | Holding Slovenske elektrarne d.o.o. |
Abbreviated name: | HSE d.o.o. |
Organisation form: | Limited liability company |
Address: | Koprska ulica 92, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia |
Telephone: | +386 (0)1 470 41 00 |
Fax: | +386 (0)1 470 41 01 |
Share capital: | EUR 29,558,789.00 |
Size: | Large company |
Ownership structure: | 100% owned by the Republic of Slovenia |
Year of establishment: | 2001 |
Tax number: | 99666189 |
Registration number: | 1662970000 |
E-mail: | [email protected] |