Within the framework of the publication of the initiative for the national spatial development of siting the Družmirje Floating Solar Power Plant (Družmirje FSPP) (, the public presentation of the initiative was held in Šoštanj today. During the public announcement between 22 May and 29 June 2024, the public has the opportunity to provide comments and proposals to: Ministry of Natural Resources and Spatial Planning, Dunajska cesta 48, Ljubljana, or the Ministry’s e-mail address: [email protected].

To enhance the involvement of the public, the investor will open a special contact point in Šoštanj in June 2024. Until the conclusion of the spatial planning procedure, the contact point will be open once a month. There, the interested public will be able to obtain detailed technical clarifications and replies to their questions relating to the investment planned.

With a number of planned green transition projects, which also include the Družmirje FSPP, Slovenia pursues the objective of increasing the proportion of electricity generated from renewable sources, to which we are committed as a country. At the same time, it contributes to the attainment of a sustainable and competitive energy supply, an increase in diversification of electricity production sources and a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere. The Družmirje FSPP is also one of the important projects of the green transition and restructuring of the Savinja-Šalek coal region.

At today’s presentation of the initiative for national spatial development of the Družmirje FSPP, the ministry representatives, i.e. the Directorate for Spatial Planning and Construction of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Spatial Planning as the drafter of the spatial act, the Energy Directorate of the Ministry of the Environment, Climate and Energy as the initiator of national spatial planning and the representative of the initiative producer stressed the importance for Slovenia’s energy supply of constructing this energy facility, which is the first power plant of its kind in Slovenia. The purpose and objectives of siting were discussed with an emphasis on the preservation of the ecological and chemical status of Lake Družmirje, taking into account the ecological requirements of fish, birds and other animal species. With an indicative power of up to 140 MWp and an estimated annual production of about 140 Gwh of electricity, the floating solar power plant is anticipated to cover no more than one half of the available lake surface and will provide some 35,000 households with electricity. The floating solar power plant will not cause harmful emissions and access to the water will be enabled along the entire shore of the lake. Simultaneously with the installation of the floating solar power plant, opportunities will be exploited for the development of the surrounding area of the lake for the purposes of tourism, sport and recreation. Compliant with the gradual phasing out of coal, the floating solar power plant is also one of the important solutions for ensuring an affordable price of thermal energy in the Šalek Valley.

The construction of the Družmirje FSPP supports the objectives and activities necessary for the gradual restructuring of the coal region after the cessation of coal mining and is also compliant with the vision of the development of the town of Šoštanj as an energy town.

The initiative for the national spatial planning will be published on the website of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Spatial Planning by 29 June 2024. During the procedures of siting, obtaining permits and constructing of the Družmirje FSPP with the accompanying constructions and arrangements, active cooperation with the local community is anticipated. To this end, a special contact point will be established.