The Supervisory Board of Holding Slovenske elektrarne d.o.o. (HSE) learned at today’s regular session of the resignation of the director general of the company Matjaž Marovt, which was tendered on Friday, 25 January 2019, for personal reasons. The procedures to appoint a new director general are already under way. Matjaž Marovt shall remain at HSE until he hands over his duties to the new director general in order to ensure uninterrupted functioning of the company and the HSE Group.
At today’s session, the supervisors also approved the Development Plan of the HSE Group for the 2019–2023 period with a vision until 2030. It is one of the key documents of the HSE Group, which is not set not only comprehensively, but also ambitiously. The main points are increasing the volume and efficiency of the production portfolio, expansion of development and production potential and further strengthening of the marketing activity. The development plan is necessary for the efficient management and growth of the production portfolio, reduction of dependence on the wholesale market, improvement of the financial situation and acquisition and development of the best personnel, while it is also important for increasing the share of renewable sources of energy, in particular on the account of the unused water energy potential.
The Management Board will submit the Development Plan of the HSE Group, which was approved today by the Supervisory Board, to be adopted by the founder, i.e. the Slovenian Sovereign Holding.