On Thursday, 17 August 2017, a regular session of the Premogovnik Velenje Assembly was held in the presence of the sole shareholder with 100 percent voting rights. At the Assembly, the shareholder adopted a Decision on the conversion of Premogovnik Velenje into a limited liability company. The Act on establishment of a limited liability company was adopted, which becomes effective upon registering the Decision on the conversion in a court register.
From the moment the Decision on the conversion from the joint stock company into limited liability company is registered in a court register, M.Sc. Ludvik Golob is assigned as the Director-General for the term lasting up until 21 September 2019, and M.Sc. Mojca Letnik as the Director for the term lasting up until 30 November 2020. The Director-General and the Director both together represent the company.
M.Sc. Stojan Nikolić and Uroš Podobnik were appointed as the representatives of the capital in the Supervisory Board of the company, for the term beginning on the date the Decision on the conversion is registered in a court register and lasting up until 9 July 2019, and workers’ representative Danilo Rednjak up to and including 14 June 2020, or until the Works council decides otherwise.
Members of the Supervisory Board of the company and its management will perform their professional duties until the end of the current term.
At the session of the Assembly, the shareholder became familiar with the revised annual report of the company Premogovnik Velenje and a revised consolidated annual report of the Premogovnik Velenje Group for the financial year 2016; the report on relations with connected companies; the written reports of the Supervisory Board on verification and confirmation of a revised annual report and a revised consolidated report of the group for the financial year 2016 and verification of relations with connected companies. It was found that in 2016, the company did not create distributable profit.
For the financial year 2016, the company Management and the Supervisory Board were granted a discharge in accordance with Article 294 of the Companies Act (ZGD-1).
Company Assembly appointed KPMG Slovenija, d.o.o., Ljubljana as the authorised auditing firm for the year 2017.