At its 49th regular session today, the Supervisory Board of Holding Slovenske elektrarne d.o.o. (HSE d.o.o.) unanimously appointed Stojan Nikolić the new director general of the company and Viktor Vračar the chief operating officer, both for a four-year term. The new director general will assume office on 1 April 2019, and the chief operating officer on 1 May 2019.
The new members of the Management Board of HSE were appointed in accordance with a procedure carried out by a recruitment agency. The staffing commission of the Supervisory Board of HSE d.o.o interviewed all nominated candidates and proposed to the Supervisory Board of HSE d.o.o. a shortlist of six candidates. Three were candidates for the director general and three for the chief operating officer. All six candidates also presented themselves and their visions for further development of the company at today’s session of the Supervisory Board.
“We have assessed that the selected candidates have the most suitable competences for managing the HSE fields of operation which they will cover. Stojan Nikolić and Viktor Vračar are experts with years of experience in business, both in Slovenia and internationally, including in the energy sector. The supervisors of HSE expect that they will justify our trust and immediately start realising the set business and development objectives of the HSE Group,” said Boštjan Markoli, the new president of the Supervisory Board of HSE, after the session. Members of the Supervisory Board elected him president at today’s session. The previous president, Milan Perović, tendered his resignation in mid-March.