Generator 6 of the Šoštanj Thermal Power Plant (TEŠ) was temporarily shut down in the evening hours on Wednesday, 29 November. The automatic safety shut-down of the turbine and later of the entire generator happened because of a failure of the turbine protection control system. The malfunction will be eliminated in the coming days. Until generator 6 is again synchronised with the grid, generator 4 will operate in TEŠ and provide a safe and reliable supply of electricity in Slovenia.
Since the beginning of its regular operation in 25 June 2015, the availability of generator 6 of TEŠ has been at 97.63%, and in the first ten months of 2017 at 96.78%, which is comparable with top European power plants in terms of reliability of operation, production of electricity and availability.
Generator 6 of TEŠ produced 2976 GWh of electricity in the first eleven months of the year, most of it in January (350 GWh). The share of its production in the entire production of the HSE Group was 45%, and in the entire electricity production in Slovenia 23%.