The Supervisory Board of Holding Slovenske Elektrarne (NS HSE), to which its founder, the Slovenian Sovereign Holding (SSH), appointed five new members on 22 October 2020, met today for its maiden session. Franc Dover, who holds an MA in technical sciences and is the director of the company Snaga d.d. Maribor, was unanimously appointed the president of the NS HSE. Also appointed were the vice-president of the NS HSE Andrej Janša and members of the Supervisory Board commissions.
Assuming the post, Franc Dover expressed the expectation that the members of the Supervisory Board and of the three-member Management Board of HSE would cooperate constructively. “The HSE is facing great challenges in the coming period – in addition to providing safe and reliable operation of the power system facilities and keeping its employees healthy, there are also projects of great social importance to be implemented, from an environmentally responsible transition of Slovenia to a zero-carbon society and the construction of hydro power plants on the central Sava River, to the long-awaited launch of the vertical integration project. The work of the management and supervisors will thus be extremely demanding, and our actions directed exclusively towards the welfare of the company, the environment in which we work, and its owner,” said Dover.