Ensuring uninterrupted operation and production of electricity and heat is at the core of the mission of Holding Slovenske Elektrarne, the largest Slovenian producer of electricity. Our power plants, which together produce two-thirds of all electricity produced in Slovenia, have been operating uninterruptedly due to strict compliance with measures related to preventing the spread of the novel coronavirus.
We are entering the third year of adaptation to the conditions dictated by the novel coronavirus. The HSE Group still implements all protective measures to curb the spread of infections in the working environments of its companies. Safety of employees is our number one priority, which is why they are provided with appropriate protective equipment, while all operational and maintenance work in the companies of the HSE Group is carried out in compliance with preventive self-protection and other safety measures. In order to ensure uninterrupted operation and production of electricity and heat, the HSE Group has defined key personnel who are able to manage and maintain the system in unusual situations, and as early as in 2020 we also established alternative management centres and a substitute location for the needs of uninterrupted sales and trading in electricity In the event of aggravated conditions, employees who are not directly involved in the production of electricity are able to work from home. In view of the announced expansion of the Omicron variant of the virus, the HSE Group is well prepared for the possible adoption of additional measures by the state.