HSE as the general sponsor of the Slovenian Kayak Association is proud of Benjamin Savšek’s Olympic gold medal / Press releases / HSE as the general sponsor of the Slovenian Kayak Association is proud of Benjamin Savšek’s Olympic gold medal

HSE as the general sponsor of the Slovenian Kayak Association is proud of Benjamin Savšek’s Olympic gold medal

Benjamin Savšek, a Slovenian canoeist, became a gold medal champion of the Olympic Games in Tokyo. He completed the men’s canoe slalom course without any errors in 98.25 seconds. The employees of the Holding Slovenske elektrarne group (HSE), which is the general sponsor of the Kayak Association of Slovenia, congratulate him and express their admiration for his exceptional success.

The Holding Slovenske elektrarne Group (HSE) is the largest Slovenian producer of electricity from renewable sources. In 2020, we produced 88 percent of all energy from renewable sources in Slovenia, the lion’s share in the hydroelectric power plants Dravske elektrarne Maribor (DEM) and Soške elektrarne Nova Gorica (SENG).

We will continue to proudly support Slovenian kayakers.
